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Cyber Security at Lightbend

We understand Akka is an essential part of systems built and operated by our customers with significant security and confidentiality needs. Lightbend is committed to maintaining the security and confidentiality of your data through the integrity of our products. Below we outline the appropriate policies, procedures, and controls we have in place for keeping your data safe.

  • Security practices
    • Encryption of sensitive information in-transit and at rest using industry-standard encryption algorithms and protocols.
    • Data access via role-based access controls and multi-factor authentication, ensures only authorized individuals have access.
  • Regular security audits
    • Internal and external security audits.
    • Processes and procedures ensure ongoing compliance with industry standards, as described on our Compliance Page.
  • Monitoring
    • Continual monitoring of all systems detects potential security threats in real time.
    • A comprehensive and regularly tested plan ensures incidents are detected and isolated.
    • Ensures our ability to maintain our commitments to our customers.

As our business is software, we take particular care with our software development lifecycle, specifically:

  • Security. An essential element of each aspect of our development, testing, and deployment operations.
  • Our Team. We have a world-class team of screened and verified experts, with the right tools and knowledge.
  • Outside vendors. We require all third parties, vendors, and contractors we use to be vetted thoroughly, and they satisfy us as to their practices before we share any information with them.
  • Data protection and privacy regulations. We track and comply with relevant regulations, both in the U.S. and internationally.
  • Team training.
    • All Lightbend employees undergo regular training on the principles and practices of our security program and acknowledge their responsibilities under our policies.
    • Automated and human factors have been implemented to stay vigilant against social and technical attacks.
  • Distributed and Resilient Environment.
    • Fully distributed infrastructure and extensive endpoint protection ensure the entire supply chain remains trusted, from mobile devices to workstations to servers.
    • Redundant encrypted copies of data are maintained to ensure resiliency in the event of an outage whether a supplier or communications infrastructure.
    • Require all our systems to be kept up-to-the-minute on patches and upgrades.
  • Secure Supply Chain.
    • Akka is part of a secure and safe supply chain we have developed for our customers.
  • Risk Management and Transparency.
    • We track all potential risks to ensure they are handled appropriately and rapidly.
    • Place a priority on continual improvement and communication of all security incidents to our customers.

Akka Security Features

Akka provides many features that make it easier for our customers to build systems operating in the most secure environments. Please see the Security section in the Akka documentation for details.

If you have any questions or concerns about our program, please contact us at or via our support channels.

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